How does x-y axis glue machine working?



I have hot melt tank and heated hose as well because we have pocket folder gluer where it is connected. For the x-y axis glue machine:

Is this unit going to spray or have liquid falling constantly?
Is there a possibility that we can turn off and on part of width? So for example if we need only 5” width can we close rest of area?
Does it work in cycle with product passing under or is it constantly ON? For example if we feed a sheet of paper under how does it know when to start, how much to apply and when to stop?


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Ryoudiza 5 years 1 Answer 83 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. According to your question, the answer as follows:

    Question 1: Is this unit going to spray or have liquid falling constantly?
    Answer: The glue falling can controlled by switch.

    About the switch:
    Solenoid valve control spraying nozzle’s switch. The customer’s assembly line system controls the solenoid valve.
    If you have the assembly line, you can use the assembly line to connect the solenoid valve system .
    In this way, when the solenoid valve can get the signal, the solenoid valve can work.

    Question 2: Is there a possibility that we can turn off and on part of width? So for example if we need only 5” width can we close rest of area?
    Answer: Yes. The machine can turn off and on part of width. The glue width can controlled by blade.

    Question 3: Does it work in cycle with product passing under or is it constantly ON? For example if we feed a sheet of paper under how does it know when to start, how much to apply and when to stop?
    Answer: The machine can glue with product passing under. Control by the switch, explain in question 1.

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