What machines will my factory need if I wanna start a facial tissue production?


What machines will my factory need if I wanna start a facial tissue production?

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Laura 5 years 1 Answer 82 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. More and more factories starting to produce facial tissues,Because its high profit and large market.There are Four Main Machines for completing the toilet paper production line,Here we give you videos for whole line to know how it is working.
    Facial Tissue Folding Machine
    Single Channel/Double Channel Faical Tissue Cutting Machine
    Single Bag/Box Facial Tissue Wrapping Machine
    Multiple Bags/Boxes Facial Tissue Packing Machine。
    About how to install a facial tissue production line, I have a blog: Why are more and more factories starting to produce facial tissues??which introduces all the details,maybe you can have a reference.

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